Do – Clear away fallen trees, twigs and debris from natural waterways and storm water drains.
Do – Keep swales and adjacent waterways free and clear.
Do – Prevent gas, oil leaks and spills. Clean up any spills immediately by absorbing it with towels, sand or kitty litter.
Do – Use vegetated areas, like rain gardens, to infiltrate storm water where possible.
Do – Install and use rain barrels.
Do – Compost plant clippings, leaves, excess grass clippings and other plant material.
Do Not – Dump garbage, debris, sticks, logs, leaves, grass clippings or any other organic material in waterways.
Do Not – Dump oil and motor products in storm drains or inlets.
Do Not – Blow, sweep, dump grass clippings or leaves onto the street, down storm drains, or drainage ditches.
Do Not – Create berms or obstructions that would impact neighbor’s drainage or storm water flow.
Do Not – Position downspouts or drainage directly onto neighbors. Use vegetated areas to infiltrate storm water where possible.